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Nitrogen Evaporators Explained – The silent partner in research success

Green Leaf Scientific are partnered with Organomation to supply world-class nitrogen evaporators for laboratory research in many different industries within Europe. Nitrogen evaporators are used in labs all over the globe for sample preparation and analysis, but their involvement in research and development success rarely gets enough credit. For anyone unfamiliar with the technology, nitrogen evaporators work by drying and concentrating samples so that effective analysis can be done using methods such as Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatography or HPLC. Nitrogen is blown down into the sample while it is heated, which accelerates the evaporation of the solvent of interest. In analyses requiring the removal of moisture, additional modules for heating can be added. A significant number of research Industries use Organomation’s evaporators in their research & development due to their versatility and unique ability to detect molecules of interest. While the involvement of nitrogen evaporators doesn’t make the headlines of the discoveries they contribute to, they ensure consistency and reproducibility of results.

How Organomation’s Nitrogen Evaporators have been a key component in the success of a number of different research studies:

Nitrogen Evaporators to Detect COVID in Waste Water

Hung-Ho Lin and their team at the Missouri University created an efficient testing system that could test on average 140 samples per week. Their studies helped trace the spread of new variants of the virus within the state of Missouri (USA) and it’s surrouding areas. See the full article here (‘Wastewater doesn’t lie’: MU Scientists use sewage to track COVID-19)

Nitrogen Evaporators Toxicology & Drug Screening 

Indiana state department uses Organomations 100-position MULTIVAP to do drug screenings of blood samples taken from suspects of drink or drug driving. They needed to be able to test large quantities of similar sample size. The samples are analyzed using HPLC and TOF Mass Spectrometry, and then submitted as evidence for criminal cases. 

Nitrogen Evaporators in Proteomics & Cancer Research

Researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center use a 64-position MULTIVAP for batch processing to analyze proteins for clinical cancer research. They use the evaporator before carrying out Mass Spectrometry to identify proteins involved in cellular pathways of cancer and to identify potential cancer treatments.

Nitrogen Evaporators in Nutritional Health and Disease 

The GPL in Kansas uses Organomations 48-position MULTIVAP and large batch concentrator (fact check) to research nutritional factors involved in a number of conditions that affect the immune system, such as Fibromyalgia and immune deficiencies. They also research factors involved in neuropsychiatric disorders and other ailments. The results from these tests are used by medical practitioners to help develop treatment plans for their patients. 

Nitrogen Evaporators in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical companies use the MICROVAP line of nitrogen evaporators for drug production processes such as milling, coating, pressing etc. The units are designed for small sample sizes and ensure consistency among samples. There are multiple variations of evaporators to choose from depending on the experiment’s requirements. Organomation are the leading manufacturers in Nitrogen Evaporators and have an option for every customer, regardless of their own unique set-up. Wondering what unit model is right for your research? Get in touch today to find out! You can use the Find Your Configuration module on our website to help us identify the most suitable model for your needs. 

Green Leaf Scientific supplies a range of specialty neuroscience research products for both in vivo and in vitro studies. We have a range of suppliers such as Diagnostic Biochips Inc.Pinnacle Technology Inc. and more! Our supplier’s products can be found in neuroscience research labs worldwide, helping to better humanity’s understanding of how the nervous system works in many different aspects.

Looking to add a Nitrogen Evaporator to your lab? Here are some questions you may need to answer before you do!

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